Beat the Frizz with Bloomer and Bloomer

Kelly West tells us about her recent Nano Keratin experience at Bloomer and Bloomer.

I have spent my entire life accepting the fact I have massively thick and frizzy hair, and endured hours of straightening it to within an inch of its life. I always said that if I could change one thing about myself it would be my hair! Shock and horror always shows on my friends and families faces whenever I complain about how unruly it is: I am always being told 'I'd love hair like yours'. 'Not if you spent at least 3-4 hours a week straightening and caring for it, just so you could walk out of the door not looking like Tina Turner!', is the response they often get.

Over the years I have tried so many different 'wonder' treatments. From serums to straightening brushes to my all time favourite - the GHD straighteners. When I found these, my entire life changed. It sounds dramatic, but after spending 20 years tying my hair up I was able to straighten it and therefore opened my world to a whole new set of hair styles!

As time goes on, and my patience gets less, I don't want to spend hours tending to my hair. Where is that miracle product?

I saw an advert for a Nano Keratin nanoSmooth RE-TREAT treatment that Bloomer and Bloomer had just launched in their salon. Previous experience meant I was sceptical but did hope that maybe at last this could be the thing that would save me time and effort as well as give me the hair I so desperately wanted.

As if it wasn't obvious: Picture 1 shows my hair in it's natural state. Picture 2 shows it after the nano keratin has been applied and the hair straightened. Picture 3 shows my hair after its first wash and blow dry at the salon.

As if it wasn't obvious: Picture 1 shows my hair in it's natural state. Picture 2 shows it after the nano keratin has been applied and the hair straightened. Picture 3 shows my hair after its first wash and blow dry at the salon.


The treatment was so easy - it consisted of the nano keratin being applied to the hair in small sections, the hair being dried completely and then straightened. The heat from the straighteners sealed the product into the hair. Luckily I was able to leave the salon with straight hair as you aren't able to wash the product out until at least three days later. I was nervous as we had a big event to go to a couple of days in but it posed no problems at all. Although I could feel the product in my hair, it didn't look greasy, which was the main thing.

I went back to the salon three days later and had my hair washed and blow dried, as you can see in the picture above. I left with my hair looking incredible, although still sceptical as to what it would actually look like when I tried to style it myself.

So..... three days later, I washed my hair with sulphate-free shampoo and conditioner as recommended, so as to prolong the life of the treatment. I was hoping to dramatically reduce the styling time - if I could straighten my hair within 20 minutes instead of 40 then I would be extremely happy!

I begun by blow drying my hair without using a mirror.  Before picking up the straighteners in preparation for the moment of truth, I took a glance in the mirror. OH MY GOD! Straight hair!!! For the first time ever, I left the house that day without straightening my hair. The blow dry was enough to leave me with completely straight hair. Not only did I save 40 minutes, I genuinely have nicer looking hair. Anyone used to using straighteners knows that feeling of 'poker straight' hair. It looks lovely, but you do often wish that you could have a bit more 'body'. I've since washed it a second time and again - no need to straighten, just a thorough blow dry is enough to keep my hair sleek. Thank you Bloomer and Bloomer!!

If you want to find out more about Nano Keratin, contact Bloomer and Bloomer for more information.