Introducing Heels and Honey foodie Luby Howden

Winchester foodie, Luby Howden of Heels and Honey introduces herself as our latest regular food blogger. Luby explains her love of food and what inspires her to create her own recipes.

Luby Howden Heels and Honey

I have lived in Winchester for more than eight years now & I can honestly say that it’s the perfect location for a true foodie like myself. It’s thriving with lots of unique restaurants, cafe’s & bars & the great thing is that most of them use fresh & locally sourced produce. From a very young age I have alway been encouraged to try new foods & have always been so interested in cooking. For me, food is about feeling good & sharing with others. It’s such a great feeling when you eat something that's really tasty & satisfying. 

When I’m coming up with new recipes there are always four things that I always want from a dish:

Nourishing . Comforting . Simple . Delicious


Nourish your body! I like to eat as fresh & natural as possible


All of my recipes are dishes that I love & make on daily basis. For me; it’s all about food that I actually enjoy…. there is nothing more rewarding than creating something that’s comforting & satisfying


I love working with simple ingredients. It leaves room to experiment and adapt recipes. I also keep my recipes simple & natural as it’s a great way to track what is actually going in to my dishes


I always have my spice rack & condiments cupboard fully stocked! My fridge stocked with fresh ingredients

I find by using fresh ingredient, experimenting with herbs, spices & condiments, it will always create a delicious dish. 

Come & join me on my journey of deliciousness where I will be regularly sharing my favourite recipes. 


Luby x

We are really excited to have @lubyhowden become a regular blogger. She will be sharing new recipes with us monthly. Her first recipe can be viewed here.