A little breakfast treat for Autumnal mornings

Tania (aka the Fit Foodie Nutter) shares her Nutella porridge recipe with us. Perfect for the change in season.

Having certainly felt a little autumn chill in the air already, I’m really looking forward to embracing this season with an abundance of comforting soup bowls, porridge breakfasts, hot chocolate and turmeric lattes and lots of cosy nights in to the sound of the crackling fire place. 

If you love Nutella as much as I do, this comforting bowl of chocolate porridge is a perfect start to the day as it tastes so much like Nutella BUT a healthier version of it – it has no refined sugar or palm oil fat. My fussy 8 year old daughter gives it a big thumbs up {a great sigh of relief!}, so it makes it a great family breakfast for both adults and kiddies.

Talking about Nutella, do you know how easy it is to make your own healthier version of this indulgent chocolate spread? You can get the recipe from my ebook here


Nutella porridge


• 1/2 cup (gluten free) oats
• 1 cup hazelnut or any other plant milk
• 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
• 2 tbsp raw cacao powder
• 2 tbsp maple syrup (use more if needed) 
• A handful of roasted hazelnuts (chopped in half) 
• 1 tsp almond or hazelnut butter
• 1/2 banana for garnish
• Optional: 2 tbsp puffed amaranth


  1. In a small pan bring the milk to a boil. Once boiling, add the oats and puffed amaranth (if using) and turn the heat down to gentle simmer. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 
  2. Add cinnamon and cacao powder and cook for another 5 minutes or so until most of the liquid is absorbed (if the porridge is too thick at this stage, add a little water to get to the desired consistency). 
  3. Take the porridge off the heat. Add maple syrup and almond/hazelnut butter and mix well. Transfer into a serving bowl, sprinkle with roasted hazelnuts and garnish with banana.

Stay warm and cosy.

All the best, 
Tania | Fit Foodie Nutter

Follow Tania on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter for more fabulous recipes. You can also pop along and see her at Rawberry in Winchester on 12th October when she will be holding a Healthy Eating Masterclass.