Top tips for beating exam anxiety for teenagers

Are you worried about your teenager’s anxiety?

Are you worried about your teenager’s anxiety?

Anxiety is a growing problem for teenagers, especially at exam times. Lesley Strachan introduces a workshop held in Winchester designed to help teenagers cope and thrive.

So often teenagers study hard and revise but the thought of doing their exams fills them with dread and becomes a really stressful experience so we decided to set up a workshop to help teenagers.

Having worked in the education sector for 30-years I feel that more could be done to help students do their very best in their exams so the workshop is designed to help students learn:

• What is anxiety?
• What are the triggers and symptoms of anxiety for you?
• How to build a tool box of techniques to overcome your anxiety.
• Five powerful distraction techniques that will help you.
• Positive action you can take to beat your nerves
• How to build and use your support network

As a result of this, we have created ‘Managing Exam Anxiety’, a 2-hour workshop which gives teenagers the tools to help nerves and manage the stress which spoil efforts in the examination room. 

Are you between 14-24 years old and someone who finds that the pressure of taking important exams makes you anxious and stressful? Or just someone who would find it helpful to know powerful techniques to help you perform your best when it really counts? This is the workshop for you.

Places are very limited, so early registration is advisable. The workshop will run from 6.30pm – 8:30pm and light refreshments will be provided.

We are running this workshop at a heavily subsidised cost of just £15, in order to introduce students to the work of The Limitless Organisation and places are available on a ‘first-come first-served’ basis. You can use the button at the end of this blog to learn more and book a space.

The workshop will be held at: Winchester School of Art, Park Avenue, Winchester, SO23 8DL

The organisers of this workshop is ‘Limitless’ which is a unique social enterprise, founded by a team of qualified development professionals including myself and was set up to help young people be all they can be and fulfil their potential by becoming individuals who know who they are and what they want in life which will enable them stand out from their peers.

If you would like more information about this brand-new initiative from The Limitless Organisation email: or call 01794 368773.

For more information about The Limitless Organisation go to: