Become a better entrepreneur using nature’s medicine cabinet

Headaches, fatigue, muscle aches from sitting at a laptop - if you’re an entrepreneur, you will doubtlessly have experienced such symptoms. But before reaching for the pharmaceutical “remedies” why not try a more natural alternative? Liz from Oriental Lillies explains.

Many people are using faith in pharmaceuticals and searching for alternatives

Many people are using faith in pharmaceuticals and searching for alternatives

I get it. You’re cynical about natural medicines. That’s a good thing. We can’t be told something works, we need to experience it right? And I agree. To explain how I got to experience an alternative to the harsh pharmaceuticals that clog up our medicine cabinets, I’ll briefly explain my story.

I avoid taking ANY type of medication and am especially adverse to pharmaceuticals packed full of nasties and unknown ingredients. If I take something, I want to know exactly WHAT I am putting in my body and why.

Although I was always interested in alternative remedies, I hadn’t found anything that covered the spectrum of symptoms and ailments that we have in our busy lives. I was introduced to essential oils in 2017 was struck by how immediately they treated routine physical health issues such as:

• Sleep problems
• Headaches / migraines
• Respiratory problems
• Aches and pains
• Colds and flu
• Low energy
• Digestive problems

As I learnt more, I discovered that essential oils could be similarly powerful treating emotional health concerns such as:

• Anxiety / nervousness
• Lack of motivation
• Low moods / depression
• Inability to focus
• Anger

Learn why essential oils are becoming so popular 

Learn why essential oils are becoming so popular 

This has moved me completely away from my previous reliance on everyday pharmaceutical medication that was in all likelihood causing more harm than good to my body.

Together with my husband Paul, I started Oriental Lillies, as an introduction for others to the wonderful health and emotional benefits of essential oils.

And the message seems to be resonating. Awareness of issues such as mental health, work/life balance, and mindfulness is growing every day. People like us are becoming more aware that what we eat and what we do on a daily basis has a huge bearing on how we fell and ultimately our quality of life. We are taking control of our lives and this means taking better care of ourselves.

Bloggers and self-employed professionals are changing the world with their laptops and smartphones. Using platforms such as social media and their own blogs, these people have wrestled the narrative away from the popular press to offer a truer representation of the real world: real people sharing real opinions about real issues.

Much like wrestling the agenda away from the media ruling classes, alternatives to pharmaceuticals are giving people the choice of how to treat their problems. We’ve all read frightening statistics about the rise of mental health problems and how the NHS is being pushed beyond beyond reasonable limits. Essential oils show us a true alternative; a chance to rebalance our bodies and ditch the medicine cabinet for good.

I’ve become an advocate of essential oils for two reasons:

The power of pure oils

The power of pure oils

1) Each oil is 100% pure, so I know exactly what I’m putting into my body and what it is for
2) They work

But of course, you don’t know they work. That’s just my experience. So I invite you to try them for yourself.

I hold twice-weekly drop-in sessions in local cafes in Hampshire. These are totally free and I’ll introduce you to the oils. Find the latest drop-in session at on our website or by following us on Instagram. You don’t need an appointment.

Essential oils can fix those ailments that trouble busy bloggers. But they can also tackle the ‘bigger picture’ issues such as mental health that stop people achieving their potential. They say everyone has a story to tell - part of the challenge of making your story heard is having a healthy body and mind. Then you can let the words do the talking.

For more information and dates for drop-in sessions, visit our website or follow us on Instagram.