New home, smart home, secure home

Are you making full use of your smart home hub? Bryan Vint of home automation specialist UGOT explains the world of control and entertainment it can introduce and what a 'smart home' really means.

Smart homes are more affordable - and powerful - than ever

Smart homes are more affordable - and powerful - than ever

Gone are the days when smart homes were just for the tech-savvy early-adopters, today if you’ve got a smart home hub then you’re half way there. You might only use yours to play music or to get the local weather forecast, but the capabilities go far beyond that.

So what does having a fully integrated smart home actually mean?  Typically, it will have all, or a combination of, the following elements that are voice or app activated:  lighting, heating, CCTV, alarm systems, electric blinds, home cinema, even door locking and security. It’s possible for some systems to be retro-fitted in modern homes but if you’re looking at buying off-plan or self-building, even better. 

But what’s the point you may ask, perhaps it’s a passing fad? Not so. Where once these systems were something to show off, they are fast becoming the essential items for the savvy house-buyer and house-builder.

What’s in it for you? Well, apart from being something to show off, they make life that much easier. Imagine this, after a long day at work, tired children in tow, the alarm has already been deactivated via your mobile phone, the outside lights are on and you enter your home using your thumbprint. The door opens to lighting and that was pre-set for your arrival and the children make themselves comfortable as they call out for their favourite programme to start on the TV in their den and your favourite music station is already playing on your integrated speakers. Gone is the scrabbling around for keys, feeling for the light switch and jumping to the kids demands - bliss.

But what about when you’re on holiday or away on business? Perhaps you’re worried about leaving your home vacant and vulnerable. Don’t be. With simulated occupancy, your smart home can be set up to mirror a typical week of activity. Lights and sound systems can replicate a normal pattern, without the predictability of timed lamps switching on and off at the same time each day. In addition, you can monitor your CCTV footage from your app and even speak to any callers remotely via a door entry system.  

Best of all, every home is bespoke. You get exactly what you want and need. Don’t want the kids to be able to activate your controls? No problem. You want to add automated lights a little later on when your budget allows? Again, no problem.  Smart integration is exactly that.  It’s flexible, intelligent and made for you.

If you’re interested in finding out how you can get the most out of your home, you can give UGOT a call on 02380 253399 or email