Introducing Venturing Near and Far

Meet local resident David Tozer - a well travelled and highly passionate travel blogger. Here he tells us why he decided to setup his own personal blog.

Travel, maps and geography feel as if they are part of my DNA, so launching my travel blogging website, Venturing Near and Far, is in many ways the outward expressions of this. The final inspiration for the idea came from achieving a long held ambition to travel to Greenland, which did not disappoint – a place of magnificence with its vast ice sheet pivotal to our changing climate, that also leaves us wondering how its inhabitants make their lives in such conditions. My blog on Venturing Near and Far highlights some surprises we experienced during the trip, so do have a read!

I have always kept a journal when travelling and been fortunate to have travelled widely across several continents, experiencing tropical, temperate and arctic climates. Although a hiker rather than a mountaineer, I have found I am most attracted to mountains and glaciated landforms such as those of Alaska, Iceland and New Zealand and to venture off the beaten track when the opportunity arises. With my wife and her liking for being near the sea, we have discovered a love of islands such as the Isles of Scilly, Sark or the Azores. For over three years I was also fortunate to have studied and lived in Victoria at the southern tip of Vancouver Island, Western Canada.

Despite enjoying such trips I also recognise there is much to celebrate within easy reach of our local area that is often under-valued. Having lived in Winchester for 20 years I have come to appreciate what we have on our doorstep and realise that we don’t have to travel thousands of miles to find places and sights that although not necessarily jaw-dropping, are still able to bring their own reward and enjoyment, as well as helping to reduce one’s environmental footprint. 

So Venturing Near and Far looks to combine both these dimensions – global coverage but at the same time also providing local relevance that is not just entertaining, but also has local usefulness.

Besides Venturing Near and Far being a vehicle for my own travel blogs and invited guest bloggers, my writing interests have extended to album and gig reviews. Look out for my next blog on the ‘plight’ of Winchester’s live music venue, The Railway Inn, it highlights the struggle it can be to maintain a grassroots music and arts culture in the area.  

Happy reading!  Happy travels!

To find out more about David and his travel passion, follow him on Instagram or head over to his website.