Is clutter damaging your working life?

An organised space isn't just ascetically pleasing, it can improve your work and home life

An organised space isn't just ascetically pleasing, it can improve your work and home life

Organisation isn't about perfection. It's about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life. Liz Gresson of All Organised for You explains the power of decluttering. 

Liz Gresson, All Organised for You

Liz Gresson, All Organised for You

Is your home a calm and orderly haven from the stresses of life, or is it messy and disorganised What about your office? Have you got organised systems which support your work, or does your admin get pushed to one side, resulting in piles of paper and an out-of-control inbox?



Many people want to get organised and get rid of clutter but it is often overwhelming and they just don’t know where to start. The thought of going through cupboards full of stuff and sorting mountains of paperwork can be too much. Someone to guide and support them in a non-judgemental way makes this process much easier. I have a lot of simple and effective solutions for storage and organisation as well as tips for making sure that the clutter doesn’t build up again.

Moving house is often the point at which people realise the scale of their possessions and, particularly when downsizing, they are faced with the task of a serious reduction in the amount of stuff that they have. Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone who could help with this as well as setting up your new home, so that from the outset you have an organised system which will prevent the build-up of clutter and ensure that your home runs smoothly? Well, there is someone and that’s me - Liz Gresson.

Before I started All Organised for You, I had worked for many years in offices. I was not the best employee because, although very good at every job I did, I disliked the confines of office procedures and structures which I felt stifled my individuality. I hated the waste that went on - far too much use of paper, things not being recycled and inefficient systems which duplicated processes unnecessarily, wasting time and people’s energy. I finally came to the conclusion that the work I was doing did not reflect my values.

In setting up All Organised for You, my mission is to create calm and organised spaces for people to live and work. Without clutter, both physical and mental, there is room for what’s really important in life - family, friends, time for the things we love to do - whether it’s travel, sport, being in the countryside, reading, going to the theatre or whatever is our thing. Often, we are so overwhelmed we don’t even know what we want to do and having mental and physical space can give us options we didn’t know we had. At work, we lose our focus if we are caught up in disorganised systems.

For me, less is more and my mantra is Keep it Simple. I give a lot of thought to the things I buy - do I really need it or is it just a passing wish, perhaps motivated by something emotional going on with me at the time? Have I something else I could use just as well? What is its environmental impact?

Consuming less is good for us and for the environment. Clutter creates negative energy which drains us. Letting go is one of the most freeing things we can do - whether it is physical objects or old attitudes and ways of doing things which hold us back from being the person we could be today. For instance, keeping heirlooms out of a sense of guilt or a feeling that we owe it to the person it came from, ties us to the past. Wouldn’t it be great to let them go and have only things that reflect who we are now?

I help people who want life to be less complicated and to run more smoothly, whether this is at home or work. If you’re one of them, get in touch and I’ll get it All Organised for You!
Please check out my website , email me or give me a call on 07985 441487.